

Nov 25

Congratulations Norah Wilson and Heather Doherty

Congratulations to Norah Wilson and Heather Doherty on their fourth and final book in the Casters series! 

Forever the Night Cover of Forever the Night by Nora Wilson and Heather Doherty

Four years have passed since Alex’s and Maryanne’s casts blasted back into their bodies. But Brooke didn’t make it back.

It was Brooke’s recklessness that got them locked out in the first place, and her sacrifice that got her friends back in. Now, with Brooke’s paralyzed body deteriorating and her caster self going mad with loneliness, Alex and Maryanne know they have to find a way to get Brooke’s cast back before her ailing body fails … or they’ll die trying. With Melissa Kosnick, the region’s most motivated, passionate Heller hunter, following their every move, the “die trying” part is a real possibility.

The young women will need all the help they can get – from both the living and the dead – if Brooke is to escape a sentence of lonely exile, stranded forever in the night. But more, they’ll need each other in this desperate test of faith, friendship and survival.

Buy on Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Forever-Night-Casters-Book-4-ebook/dp/B00PHCLCRQ